Totally Accurate Programming Tier list

Totally Accurate Programming Tier list

April 22, 2024

You read the title you know the drill, so without any further waiting let's just get into it!

1. Python

Python, a high-level, general-purpose, dynamically typed, garbage-collected, object-oriented, and functional programming language.

It has a simple syntax, making it just perfect for beginners to get started with programming.

Though I use Python sometimes, I kind of hate it, mostly because of skill issues.

One thing about it is that you can build anything with it, idea for the next browser? Yes you can, idea for the next chatGPT? Yes you can, idea for the next operating system... Yes you can!

But with the added cost of slow execution because it does not have a compiler.

S tier


2. Javascript

Now for that language that we all use but we all hate... yeah you know you love it you hate it, our good old JavaScript.

It's a high-level, single-threaded, garbage-collected, interpreted, object-oriented, functional, dynamically typed programming language.

Though my entire life span depends on JS, because I created an open-sourced social media app... yeah you know where this is going(and another advertisement!), I built it entirely with javascript and nextjs... yesh I made a lot of bad decisions.

So it's no doubt that I will put JS at the S tier...

D Tier


To be honest, it's just middle, it's not good and it's not bad.

3. PHP

Now we are getting some real stuff...

Back in the 90s I guess.

PHP, a general-purposed, interpreted... I don't even know anything more than that(no offense to the PHP lambos out there).

It was created for the web as a way for those front-end engineers, and probably the only end back then, to add forms to their web apps. Want to store data? How are you going to connect your database to the front end? With PHP!

Remember Facebook? What's that? Oh nothing just a competitor for lambda the privacy based open-sourced social media app, also uses PHP for backend, as per honest Wikipedia review.

Windows Tier(for no reason just fun)


4. Java

Yeah many devs are going to yell, but yeah give the man a chance!

Its a high-level, class-based, object-oriented, general-purpose language designed for network devices and embedding systems for just allowing consumer electronics to communicate... wait? my phone is alive?

Windows Tier


5. C

OK, now we are at the god level of programming languages.

Yes, I will be biased now but that doesn't mean you are going to yell at me OK?

It doesn't even need an intro, you know him, you love him, you enjoy him, and it's your cell's nucleus, and without it, you can't even breathe!

It's because of him that we have Windows!

S Tier content


6. Cpp

Now we get the god's chosen one, Cpp... because C is the god and Cpp is the king... get it? Anyone?

Where is it used? Windows... be it C, Cpp, or C#, Windows love all three of them for no reason why not too. Used in making browsers as I like to do.

Well god chose it so can't be too much to the ground or above the sky.

A Tier


We now almost have a good Tier list... let's make some more enemies.

7. C#

And yes the king's son... ah yeah just put it right below the king

It's used in game engines like my personal favorite, Unity. And in making web

B Tier


8. Go

Go, no don't go go, the language golang, created by google devs and Ken Thompson, also that guy who created C BTW, and the Unix system, so this means Golang isn't a lang, but a real Go.

And since it's my personal favorite, I'm putting it above the S Tier, now you may wonder what comes after S Tier?

Well, you answer is...

India Tier!!!!!!!


9. Rust

And if it's Go we also have to add Rust cause why not? The 2 really good highly powerful, overpowered programming languages, must be there together!

The most safe Cpp language that doesn't cause you to blow your leg off. Take that Bjarne Stroustrup!

India Tier


10. HTML

And now something we all love... HTML

Isn't even a programming language! Tier


And Finally React The Framework...


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